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Joy and Abundance


This Joy and Abundance candle is stirred with a happy and successful intention for 20 minutes while listening to uplifting music. After the intention is set it is then infused with positive Reiki energy!

All of the ingredients work together to help you feel joyful and successful. 

Prior to using, place your hands around the tin and set your intention by speaking it out loud or recite it in your head. After setting your intention, light the candle, stare at the flame and send your intentions to the light and healing ingredients of the candle.  Then sit back and enjoy the beautiful scent for the intention you seek.

  • Warning and Burning Instructions

    Burn candle for 2-3 hours the first time or until wax pool is melted to the edge of the tin.

    Burn within sight. Keep away from flammable objects. Keep away from children and pets. Keep candle free of foreign materials including matches and wick trimmings. Only burn the candle on a level, fire resistant surface or dish. Do not burn candle for more than four hours at a time. 

  • Magical Ingredients

    Bergamot: Uplifting & Money

    Ylang Ylang: Mood Boosting & Calmness

    Lavender: Protection, Love, Happiness & Peace

    Citrine Crystal: Success & Abundance

    Yellow Color: Joy

    Whole Cloves: Protection, Exorcism & Love

    When your candle has a very small pool of melted wax in the tin, fish out the crystal(s) and wash them with soapy water and repurpose them.